Dope on a Rope by The Growlers Guitar Chords
p If you are looking for Dope on a Rope guitar chords, you've come to the right place. You can play Dope on a Rope by The Growlers using guitar or guitar. This song by The Growlers can also be played by that instruments. =/p p Dope on a Rope guitar chords has rhythm and included in City Club (2016) album. You can also find another musical genres, including jazz guitar chords, country music guitar chords, pop guitar chords, world music guitar chords, and rock guitar chords here. /p h3Dope on a Rope by The Growlers Guitar Chords/h3 [Verse]br[Em]Dope in the wash,[G] strangers in bedbr[?[C]] nights, they make a hear[G]t beat half deadbrI[Em]n the mirror, str[G]iking a posebrC[C]onjured up glamour in a [G]school play rock showbrbr[Pre Chorus]brG[Em]uess it doesn'[G]t last forever[C], just a feeling to [G]rememberbr[Em]Dope on a rope [G]we hang,[Em] the cat walks the[G] plankbrUnl[C]ess we turn around, [Em]and do it againbrbr[Chorus]brG[C]enerations change In [Em]a blink the fad's extinctbrFind yo[C]ur lover or you'll flash the famebrBe[D]fore you wake up from your dreambrbr[Verse]brEv[Em]erything changes whe[G]nbrWhen the la[C]st call lights sh[G]inebrSe[Em]izing the heart[G]beat of our [C]lovely rec[G]kless timesbrE[Em]verything cha[G]nges whenbrWhen th[C]e last call light[G]s shinebr[Em]Seizing th[G]e heartbeat of our l[C]ovely reckle[G]ss timesbrbr[Verse]brColl[Em]ect taxidermy fist a[G]s much is on your wristbrNew[C] friends flood the list til[G]l you're sickbrTryi[Em]ng to have a ball in a t[G]anked up stallbrNumb [C]when its from making [G]sense of it allbrI [Em]guess it doesn't l[G]ast foreverbrJu[C]st the feeling to[G] rememberbrbr[Pre Chorus]brDo[Em]pe on a rop[G]e we hang, t[Em]he cat walks the [G]plankbrUnl[C]ess we turn around, and[Em] do it againbrDo[Em]pe on a rop[G]e we hang, t[Em]he cat walks the [G]plankbrUnl[C]ess we turn around, and[Em] do it againbrbr[Chorus]brG[C]enerations change, i[Em]n a blink, the fad's extinctbrFind [C]your lover or you'll taste the famebrBefore[D] you wake up from your dreambrbr[Verse]brEv[Em]erything changes whe[G]nbrWhen the la[C]st call lights sh[G]inebrSe[Em]izing the heart[G]beat of our [C]lovely rec[G]kless timesbrE[Em]verything cha[G]nges whenbrWhen th[C]e last call light[G]s shinebr[Em]Seizing th[G]e heartbeat of our l[C]ovely reckle[G]ss timesbrbrOutrobr[Em] [G] [C] [G] p If you want to learn The Growlers Dope on a Rope guitar chords, The 5 chords we'll look at are the C major, A major, G major, E major, and D major. The reason we use all major chords is that the minor versions of any of these chords just require tiny adjustments. Each one of those minor chords is completely based on its major counterpart /p p The more you practice, the easier guitar will feel to play Dope on a Rope. Guitar is hard to learn in the beginning, but gets easier the longer you stick with it. /p
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